
Welcome to the first tutorial of the Gym Trading Env package. You will learn how to use it.


During the entire tutorial, we will consider that we want to trade on the BTC/USD pair.

Understand the action space#


I have seen many environments that consider actions such as BUY, SELL. In my experience, it is a mistake to consider a reinforcement learning agent in the same way as a trader. Because, behind a trade, what really matter is the : position reached. In the environment, we label each position by a number : (example with pair BTC/USD)

  • 1 : All of our portfolio is converted into BTC. (=BUY ALL)

  • 0 : All of our portfolio is converted into USD. (=SELL ALL)

Now, we can imagine half position and other variants :

  • 0.5 : 50% in BTC & 50% in USD

  • Even : 0.1 : 10% in BTC & 90% in USD ….


It is way simpler for a RL-agent to work with positions. This way, it can easily make complex operation with a simple action space.

Complex positions#

This environment supports more complex positions (actually any float from -inf to +inf) such as:

  • -1 : Bet 100% of the portfolio value on the decline of BTC (=SHORT). To perform this action, the environment borrows 100% of the portfolio valuation as BTC to an imaginary person, and immediately sells it to get USD. When the agent wants to close this position, the environment buys the owed amount of BTC and repays the imaginary person with it. If the price has fallen during the operation, we buy cheaper than we initially sold : the difference is our gain. During the loan, the imaginary person is paid a small rent (parameter : borrow_interest_rate of the environment).

  • +2 : Bet 100% of the portfolio value on the rise of BTC. We use the same mechanism as explained above, but we borrow USD and buy BTC with it.


Can we use -10 ? We can BUT … We need to borrow 1000% of the portfolio valuation as BTC. You need to understand that such a “leverage” is very risky. Indeed, if the BTC price rises by 10%, you need to repay the original 1000% of your portfolio valuation at 1100% (1000%*1.10) of your current portfolio valuation. Well, 100% (1100% - 1000%) of your portfolio is used to repay your debt. GAME OVER, you have 0$ left. The leverage is very useful but also risky, as it increases your gains AND your losses. Always keep in mind that you can lose everything.

Market data#

Import your own dataset#

They need to be ordered by ascending date. Index must be DatetimeIndex. Your DataFrame needs to contain a close price labelled close for the environment to run, and open, high, low, volume features respectively labelled open , high , low , volume to perform renders.

import pandas as pd
# Available in the github repo : examples/data/BTC_USD-Hourly.csv
url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ClementPerroud/Gym-Trading-Env/main/examples/data/BTC_USD-Hourly.csv"
df = pd.read_csv(url, parse_dates=["date"], index_col= "date")
df.sort_index(inplace= True)
df.dropna(inplace= True)

Easy download for crypto#

The packaging also include an easy way to download historical data of crypto pairs. It stores data as .pkl for easy and fast usage.

More information here

from gym_trading_env.downloader import download
import datetime
import pandas as pd

# Download BTC/USDT historical data from Binance and stores it to directory ./data/binance-BTCUSDT-1h.pkl
download(exchange_names = ["binance"],
    symbols= ["BTC/USDT"],
    timeframe= "1h",
    dir = "data",
    since= datetime.datetime(year= 2020, month= 1, day=1),
# Import your fresh data
df = pd.read_pickle("./data/binance-BTCUSDT-1h.pkl")

Create your features#

Your RL-agent will need inputs. It is your job to make sure it has everything it needs.


The environment will recognize as inputs every column that contains the keyword ‘feature’ in its name.

# df is a DataFrame with columns : "open", "high", "low", "close", "Volume USD"

# Create the feature : ( close[t] - close[t-1] )/ close[t-1]
df["feature_close"] = df["close"].pct_change()

# Create the feature : open[t] / close[t]
df["feature_open"] = df["open"]/df["close"]

# Create the feature : high[t] / close[t]
df["feature_high"] = df["high"]/df["close"]

# Create the feature : low[t] / close[t]
df["feature_low"] = df["low"]/df["close"]

 # Create the feature : volume[t] / max(*volume[t-7*24:t+1])
df["feature_volume"] = df["Volume USD"] / df["Volume USD"].rolling(7*24).max()

df.dropna(inplace= True) # Clean again !
# Eatch step, the environment will return 5 inputs  : "feature_close", "feature_open", "feature_high", "feature_low", "feature_volume"


What is presented above are features called static features. Indeed, there are computed once before being used in the environement. But you also use dynamic features that are computed at each step of the environment. By default, the environment add 2 dynamics features. More information in the Feature page.

Create your first environment#

Well done, you did a good job configuring your first environment !

import gymnasium as gym
import gym_trading_env
env = gym.make("TradingEnv",
        name= "BTCUSD",
        df = df, # Your dataset with your custom features
        positions = [ -1, 0, 1], # -1 (=SHORT), 0(=OUT), +1 (=LONG)
        trading_fees = 0.01/100, # 0.01% per stock buy / sell (Binance fees)
        borrow_interest_rate= 0.0003/100, # 0.0003% per timestep (one timestep = 1h here)

TradingEnv documentation

Run the environment#

Now it’s time to enjoy.

# Run an episode until it ends :
done, truncated = False, False
observation, info = env.reset()
while not done and not truncated:
    # Pick a position by its index in your position list (=[-1, 0, 1])....usually something like : position_index = your_policy(observation)
    position_index = env.action_space.sample() # At every timestep, pick a random position index from your position list (=[-1, 0, 1])
    observation, reward, done, truncated, info = env.step(position_index)
Market Return : 423.10%   |   Portfolio Return : -98.28%

Every episode produces an output with basic metrics that you can customize. More information on how to customize your environment here

Want a cool-looking render ? More information on how to render a finished episode here